La storia di Lecco è molto antica, recenti scavi dei Musei Civici di Lecco hanno portato alla scoperta di un villaggio della Cultura di Golasecca (Prima Età del Ferro) alla Rocca di Chiuso. L´orizzonte cronologico va dal IX secolo a.C. al IV secolo d.C. Quindi l´isediamento dei Celti golasecchiani nella zona precede di oltre 4 secoli l´arrivo dei Celti La Tène da oltralpe e numerosi ritrovamenti archeologici testimoniano la presenza della cultura di Golasecca e di La Tène nella zona (Olate di Lecco, Valsassina). Nel 2005 ai Piani d´Erna gli scavi dei Musei Civici di Lecco e della Università di Bergamo hanno portato alla luce il più antico sito di produzione metallurgica dell´intero arco alpino (II secolo a.C. - I secolo d.C.). I resti di forni fusori e di scorie di lavorazione comprovano che questa attività, che sarà poi per duemila anni tradizionale per Lecco, era allora già fiorente. Probabilmente celtico anche il toponimo Lecco che si collega a Lech o Loch e cioè lago, come ancora oggi in numerosi dialetti e toponimi di origine celtica (Irlanda, Scozia, Galles, Bretagna, Galizia). I ritrovamenti archeologici d´Età romana sono tanto scarsi e sporadici da far escludere l´esistenza, all´epoca, di un abitato di una certa consistenza. Questo tende ad escludere l´ipotesi paventata da alcuni storici che hanno individuato in Lecco la città romana fondata nel 95 a.C. da Licinio Crasso nell´area lariana. Anche la principale arteria militare proveniente da Aquileia, attraverso Bergamo, diretta a Como, non transitava da Lecco ma più a sud, sul ponte romano di Olginate. Il castrum del colle di Santo Stefano, individuato da Bognetti, e sul quale condusse i primi scavi archeologici il padre di Alessandro Manzoni, Pietro, risale al periodo Tardoantico -Altomedivale e faceva parte delle possenti fortificazioni del limes, poste a difesa di Mediolanum, che circondavano tutto il Lario Orientale da Monte Barro a Lavello.
The story of Lecco is very old, recent excavations of the Civic Museums of Lecco led to the discovery of a village of Golant Culture (Early Iron Age) to the Rock of Closed. The chronological horizon from the ninth century BC the fourth century A. D. So the Celts golasecchiani ISED in the area of more than 4 centuries before the arrival of the Celts Tène from across the Alps and many archaeological findings testify to the presence of the culture of Golant and La Tène in the area (Lecco Olate, Valsassina). In 2005, Erna plans to the excavation of Museums in Lecco and Bergamo University have uncovered the oldest metallurgical production site in the Alps (II century BC - I century AD). The remains of smelting furnaces and slag processing proving that this activity, which will be for two thousand years traditional Lecco, was then already flourishing. Probably also the Celtic name that links to Lecco Lech Loch or lake that is, as even today in many dialects and place names of Celtic origin (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, Galicia). The archaeological finds of Roman Age are so few and far between as to exclude the existence at the time of a settlement of some significance. This tends to rule out the possibility that some feared that historians have identified in Lecco, the Roman city founded in 95 BC by Licinius Crassus in Como. The main road from Aquileia military, through Bergamo to Como, Lecco, but not passed through to the south, the Roman bridge Olginate. The castrum on the hill of Santo Stefano, identified by Bognetti, and who conducted the first archaeological excavations Alessandro Manzoni´s father, Peter, dates from the Late Antiquity period-Altomedivale and was part of the massive fortifications of the limes, raised in defense of Mediolanum, which surrounded by all the Eastern Lario Monte Barro to sink.
The story of Lecco is very old, recent excavations of the Civic Museums of Lecco led to the discovery of a village of Golant Culture (Early Iron Age) to the Rock of Closed. The chronological horizon from the ninth century BC the fourth century A. D. So the Celts golasecchiani ISED in the area of more than 4 centuries before the arrival of the Celts Tène from across the Alps and many archaeological findings testify to the presence of the culture of Golant and La Tène in the area (Lecco Olate, Valsassina). In 2005, Erna plans to the excavation of Museums in Lecco and Bergamo University have uncovered the oldest metallurgical production site in the Alps (II century BC - I century AD). The remains of smelting furnaces and slag processing proving that this activity, which will be for two thousand years traditional Lecco, was then already flourishing. Probably also the Celtic name that links to Lecco Lech Loch or lake that is, as even today in many dialects and place names of Celtic origin (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, Galicia). The archaeological finds of Roman Age are so few and far between as to exclude the existence at the time of a settlement of some significance. This tends to rule out the possibility that some feared that historians have identified in Lecco, the Roman city founded in 95 BC by Licinius Crassus in Como. The main road from Aquileia military, through Bergamo to Como, Lecco, but not passed through to the south, the Roman bridge Olginate. The castrum on the hill of Santo Stefano, identified by Bognetti, and who conducted the first archaeological excavations Alessandro Manzoni´s father, Peter, dates from the Late Antiquity period-Altomedivale and was part of the massive fortifications of the limes, raised in defense of Mediolanum, which surrounded by all the Eastern Lario Monte Barro to sink.