03 Dicembre 2024
città nelle vicinanze

San Pietro

Il complesso benedettino di S. Pietro al Monte in Civate è senza dubbio uno dei complessi abbaziali più interessanti della nostra provincia e dell´intera Lombardia, meta di notevole interesse storico, artistico, religioso. Situato a 662 metri sul livello del mare, lo si raggiunge dal paese di Civate in un´ora circa di cammino.
Molti sono ogni anno i visitatori che salgono l´erta mulattiera fino alle pendici del monte Cornizzolo per incontrare la serena atmosfera del luogo, la storia millenaria raccontata dalle bianche pietre, la spiritualità che emana dall´austera bellezza del suo patrimonio artistico.

The Benedictine complex of S. Pietro al Monte in Civate is without doubt one of the most interesting and abbeys of our province and the whole of Lombardy, a place of great historic, artistic, religious. Located 662 meters above sea level and can be reached from the village of Civate in about an hour´s walk.
Many are annual visitors climb the steep trail up the slopes of Mount Cornizzolo to meet the serene atmosphere of the place, the story told by the thousand white stones, the spirituality that emanates from the austere beauty of its artistic heritage.
The Association of Friends of St. Peter, founded in 1975, brings together a group of volunteers who work for the conservation of the monumental complex of the Basilica of San Pietro al Monte and the Oratory of St. Benedict and the reception of visitors. Is president of Don Vincenzo Gatti, a member of the religious community of the family Beato Angelico, coordinating the restoration, leading to the abbey as well as its artistic competence also a testimony to the spiritual life in the spirit of Benedictine.
This website is an incentive to come to discover, learn and explore this fascinating place.
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